Friday, September 16, 2005


So I got this idea, I have all of these photographs of trees, why have I taken them all? What is this with me and trees? Why am I drawn to them so and how can I pull them all together so they make sense?

It's been rattling around in my head that every tree has a story, no every tree TELLS a story... and then I was thinking, what if I asked Joe to write a story for one of my photos? Maybe I could ask Susan, too, and Maryellen, and JoAnn, and Ramona might do it, hey, maybe ask Rachel, too. I know they all know other writers, what if I asked them to ask their friends?

Then I thought, hey, this would make a cool show - so yesterday, when all this was beginning to develop, I was going to see Steve anyway, so I proposed this show to him, and he thought it was cool, too...

So here we go... I'll be posting photos soon, we'll figure out how to put it together as we go.

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