Tuesday, April 15, 2008

tree story #142: held firm and strong

Thank you, Susan!

1 comment:

Susan Raines said...

No matter where I go, dear Lord, you sustain me
Like the mighty tree that stands secure to earth,
Its roots clinging to the soil for life
I, too, cling to you for life
Dependent upon your nurturing and your solid presence
That feeds me, that keeps me,
I stand firm through you, dear Lord,
Like the mighty tree that falls without support
You are my gravity, my root, my core of life.

No matter how I stand, dear Lord,
You are the strength of my muscle
The marrow of my bone
Like the sap that runs from limb to limb
In ancient oak or new born birch
I, too, feel your pulse in every breath
Blessing me with all I find of worth
Giving me reason to live and love and learn.
You are my confidence like the earth to oak,
My stability, my answer, the sun that warms my heart.

Susan Raines